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Thursday, June 30, 2011


I just did a post last week about the Constant Force squeegee by Newman and I was disappointed that did not carry it in stock.  It is funny how things work out sometimes.  Ryonet just posted a video about their new ERGO FORCE SQUEEGEE!  The handle is made of aluminum and has screws that keep the rubber squeegee in place.  You can easily change out the rubber if it has defects.  Now you can change out the rubber instead of having to sharpen the edges if they get nicked.  Having it made of aluminum helps with clean up too.  It has so many other cool features I can't even remember what they said on the video. 

My favorite feature is the shape of the squeegee.  The squeegee is flat on one side and the top which make it easier on your fingers and the palm of your hand.  Hopefully no more cramped fingers.  The other side is angled so there is less pressure on your thumbs. 

At the moment they have one size handle (which is expandable for long length squeegees) but they are planning to make larger handles for those people with big hands and also a small handle for women.  What a fantastic idea.  Having something specifically made for us women is terrific.  Anything that makes printing easier for me is great news.

Here is a couple videos on it!


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