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Monday, June 4, 2012


Life sure has a way of keeping you on your toes, which is definitely not a bad thing.  Being able to overcome life’s little challenges is what helps us grow and learn as individuals.  Having those little challenges also helps us put things into perspective and reevaluate our priorities.

I have had a few of those little challenges over the last year, as most of us do. Some were business related; others were not.  At times, I wondered if I would ever get through the rough patches.  A few times, I wanted to give up but I kept pushing forward.  When a challenge is in your way, you do not realize you are in the middle of learning something important.  You get so frustrated all you want is for the challenge to end.  You are not thinking to yourself, “Hmm, what deep seeded life lessons am I supposed to learn from this?”

When I first started this blog, all of my time and energy had focused on my goal of launching a business.  I was in the midst of learning how to draw, learning computer graphics, learning to screen print, learning this and learning that.  I also had, and still have, a full time job that took up my days.  All I did, day and night, was work on my business in some form or another.  What I did not realize is I started neglecting important things in my life.  The time I spent with family and friends decreased.  The quality time I spent with my dogs decreased.  The time I spent taking care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally decreased.  Having other little challenges thrown in the middle of everything else, made me realize these things.

My business aspirations are still intact.  I have slowed them down a bit but I am still making progress and pushing forward.  I have learned to balance myself  more.  When my dogs come in the computer room and want some love, I get down on the floor and give them love.  I am back to working out again and feeding my body the right stuff.  I spend as much time as possible with the ones I love, whether it is on the phone or in person.  It is all about balance.  I am not sure what direction this blog will take.  Life is a constant evolution.  We live.  We learn.  We grow.  Who we are today may not be who we are tomorrow.  I think I will let this blog follow its own course of evolution. 



  1. Hello Jeanette,

    So glad to find your recent posts on the Pondering Pooch blog. I was really inspired by your comments. You are absolutely correct. It is all about balance and keeping your priorities straight. Life is a gift and the loved ones placed in our paths deserve the fullness of our attention. I had similar experiences with working a full-time job and operating a side screen printing business. I stepped away from my screen printing business for awhile to enjoy and appreciate family and friends and life in general. I have the privilege of attending a Sunday school class in my church and this helps me keep things in perspective. I recently had a small job of 24 T shirts for a family friend and I loved doing the job. The T shirts turned out great and it was nice to screen print again. Although it is hard work and messy at times it is a worthwhile task. I continue to learn and develop my skills as well. I admire your will in honing your drawing skills and wish you the best. I look forward to following your progress. God bless.
    Your screen printing friend, Bob Reigle from Empowered Apparel.

    1. Bob,

      Thanks so much for your comment and for checking in on my blog. :) I learned so much in my art class. I am still far from calling myself an "artist" but I'm so glad I took the class. Learning the basics of drawing was so helpful. Now its just practice, practice, practice.
      I look forward to the day I can call screen printing my "full-time" job. :) Take care!
